Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Camera. Crazy Kids.

Today the kids and I had a lot of fun with my new camera. Our old one gave up the ghost, so I got a replacement. Lovin the pics. Most of them turned out silly and blurry, (due to the fact that my children can't hold still) but I got a few that turned out pretty cute.
I bribed them with candy for this one. :)
This captures my kids perfectly. So funny. Laughter even now echos upstairs in their room. (they are supposed to be sleeping)

"Cheese" that's right.... cheesy!

Pretty Girly on her Dora Bike.
Egan building blocks.

Best friends.

I did some photo shop on this one. Took this on our backyard fence. Lovin the bright colors.

My favorite. I call it Curiosity.
I can't give the camera all the credit.... my kids are the cutest kids on the earth. :)

1 comment:

Janina said...

What kind of camera did you get, Jasmine?