Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Bag

Ok, So I'm at Old Navy today, and I see this really really cute large denim Bag, but its nearly $20, and I think to my self "I can make that for less... right?" So my nice hubby drops me off at JoAnnes. (A real treat!) And low and behold denim is 50% off! I get everything I need for under $5! So excited to start my bag I rush home and come up with a pattern and whip it out in about an hour. This is a picture of the bag at old navy I took, and this is my finished product. (pockets inside too!)
Beaming and extatic about my accomplishment, I show my family who is getting ready for bed. "Hey guys, Look!"
Egan's reaction: "Wow Mom, a big ugly bag!"
Are you laughing, I hope so, telling the story feels so much better than living it. Happy Saturday. :)

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