Monday, March 15, 2010

Karate! "DAIA"

We decided it was time to channel the immense amount of energy coming out of our little boy. Aaron stuck in Karate Kid a few weeks ago and Egan found his new favorite thing. Couldn't stop talking about it, and trying to do the moves. I looked into and apparently Karate teaches self discipline, respect, courtesy, honesty, perseverance, patience, integrity, along with defense and fun. It was a no brainer.... So I found a great school, Egan had his first class one on one with a black belt teacher named Ray. Here are a few pictures!

Ray said Egan is amazing, has great control and focus for someone his size and age. I'm lovin his short little legs in this one.
Hands up! Ray said when he punches/knees/kicks he should yell "DAIA"
We've been hearing that around the house ever since..
Egan has taken to Karate like a duck to water. I'm so excited for him!
Egan starts his group classes the end of March. Fun Fun.
Evelyn will be taking a Dance camp this fall... Stay tuned for pictures of her!