Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Evelyn's Christmas Dress!

Ok, So I want to do a little bragging.. (more than I normally do, 'cus my kids are totally the cutest there are) I spent all day yesterday on Evelyn's Christmas Dress. And I think It turned out perfect. I found this beautiful embroidered material at Wal-mart for only $2.50 a yard! And of course when your making a little girls dress thats all you need! I had left over white scraps from a dress I made a few years back for myself, and left over buttons. I had an old pattern for an infant dress I re sized myself, and changed a bit. So for only $2.50 This is how it turned out! (the new shoes she will need will be another story.) I love it. I want one! Please forgive me my moment of Pride.


Jaclyn said...

As soon as I saw that beautiful dress on your blog I thought to myself, "Oh man, Jasmine better not say she made that dress, it is way too beautiful." Darnit Jasmine, how on earth do you do it? The dress is incredible. It looks like a $40 dress from the store. And considering I can neither make a dress like that or afford to pay for one that beautiful I don't think my girls will ever have a dress so beautiful. Seriously though, WELL DONE!!!

Tiffany said...

I seriously thought you bought that dress! If only I were as talented as you Jasmine! I don't have time or the patience to sew anymore! I have fabric sitting in the closet because my girls want me to make them pajamas again(I did once when they were younger). If I only had the time! Someday. Good for you, and you should be proud, its a BEAUTIFUL dress!!

Dolores said...

BEAUTIFUL DRESS!! Wow, good job!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, I've got myself THREE sewing projects to do before Christmas, too! (Fleece pajamas, though Lora offered to make Genevieve a dress again)
Here's to hoping I can get mine done, too.
Oh, hey, I just remembered, I made MYSELF a dress for Halloween with only one yard of fabric - ooh-la-la!
PS, cute babies, I love Evelyn's hair.