Monday, April 21, 2008

Cute Kids!

Evelyn Loves this bow. I made it for her to match her dress, She loves her hair done and to look "pritty". Her hair is growing much faster now, so much curls!

Its been a few weeks since Egan had his bad haircut, its looking much better now. He's so cute no matter what really. I know all parents think their kids are the cutest, but I know mine are. =)


Sara said...

You are so creative! I'm Jealous...Don't you just love having girls with curly hair. Its so beautiful!

Also, I saw your blog on Dora, Man we are having the same problem except its not the show, with Anjali it is Dora PJ, Toys basically anything Dora. Just last week she wore the same Dora PJ for three day. I tried everything, I would give her a bath and hope she would forget about it but as soon as bath time was over she would say Dora and of course it always ended with her winning and getting her crazy Dora Pj. Finally, I went to walmart and got some more Dora PJ....I hate giving in..

I'm so glad that your posting more often now. Its so fun to see what the kids growing up and how you guys are getting along.

Unknown said...

Such cute, happy kids! If I didn't have two of my own I would have to agree that yours are the cutest in the world!!! Well, we'll just say it's a tie! ;)

Oh, and I've made my blog private, so send me your email address and I'll invite you! heatherswanson20 at yahoo dot com

Tiffany said...

They are darn cute!! I can't believe how big they have gotten.